Watercolor Wishes

Hey guys! So you may notice some differences, within the blog, such as this post. This post is about watercolor painting and it will be the first post of many more. It’s a new topic that I would like to include to share with you my progress in watercolor painting. It’s something that always brought a joy to me just by looking at it. It’s a very beautiful medium and compared to others it may be more difficult but it can also be more flexible.
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Banana Pancakes

My favorite pancakes are banana pancakes. And it’s also Maggie’s favorite too. I discovered it when I was pregnant with Maggie. It’s a simple recipe but it’s soo good. You don’t even need syrup to fully enjoy this breakfast. Hope this family favorite can be passed down to your family.
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Giving Thanks for Family

Thanksgiving this year was a success! We went to my sister’s house to celebrate family and to give thanks. The food was made completely by my sister so kudos to her! Even though it’s not shown here, I promise it was a delicious feast. We brought some sparkling apple cider, coconut pie, and beer. We also bought this great drink called Ciderboys. It’s apple cider with 5% alcohol; very tasty but very light.
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Reading Time: Alpha Block

Reading time is always fun for Maggie. She loves books filled with life and emotion so me and Elias always have to get into character before reading to her. She keeps giving us the same book over and over which can get pretty redundant after a while. The other types of books she enjoys are colorful ones such as Alpha Block.
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