A Pop-Up Marché at Ocabanon

OCabanon had this wonderful pop-up marché event at its restaurant on Saturday afternoon. All New York Francophiles were welcomed. There were different vendors offering samples of their French food products. It was a very tasty time indeed. The event was made in partnership with Edible and Taste France. There were vendors for Président butter, Valbreso cheese, Nergi kiwi berries, Perrier, Bornibus, and La French Baguette. Three wine tickets were offered to each attendee. We tried red wine, rosé, and white wine. They were all really smooth wines. But that wasn’t all of the drinks. At the Perrier stand, we were…
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Chanel Summer Takeaway

I was so excited to get this Chanel summer takeaway set for the summer. Yes, summer is ending but these products will last me until the winter. Inspired by food takeaways, these little bites of makeup are amazing for on the go. What’s in the Chanel summer takeaway set? The two makeup sets, the Nature Getaway and the City Break, are unique in their own way. I bought the City break and it came with a nail polish, liquid eye shadow, two lip colors and a cute makeup bag. Perfect if you’re indecisive I can say that I become confused…
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Loss and Venus in Leo Themes

12th House Loss The nodes have been in Aries and Libra since early this year. Aries and Libra fall in my 6th and 12th house. 6th house can represent work and 12th house can represent endings, death even. And boy was it literal in both houses. I lost my job but I experienced a greater loss before that. Earlier this year, I experienced the loss of my best friend and travel buddy of 15 years. No matter the distance, we always knew how each other felt. Even when we didn’t speak to each other we would have dreams communicating how…
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Learning another language

I am a lover of languages and that’s no secret to some. It’s imperative, for me, to know a bit of a language before traveling anywhere. This explains part of why I kept returning to France and Morocco; a big part was to maintain my French. Sure, I could have continued listening to French music and reading the books. But this doesn’t necessarily force anyone to speak a language. And there’s no better way to implant a memory than interaction with others. Before my second trip to Italy, I had bought some books to learn, at least, the basics of…
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Don’t know what to pack?

I leave in two days and still haven’t packed. Actually, I don’t know what to pack. What clothes should I take for Rome? Times like these I look back to old fashioned icons. For me, Elizabeth Taylor’s summer style could be great for Rome. Or maybe the South of Italy. She screams Italy to me. I’m thinking straw hat, one piece bathing suit and dresses. Maybe one pair of jeans. Taylor rarely wore jeans so more dresses than anything. The one piece bathing suit will come in handy in case there’s a pool nearby. It’ll also double up as a…
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