12th House Loss
The nodes have been in Aries and Libra since early this year. Aries and Libra fall in my 6th and 12th house. 6th house can represent work and 12th house can represent endings, death even. And boy was it literal in both houses. I lost my job but I experienced a greater loss before that.
Earlier this year, I experienced the loss of my best friend and travel buddy of 15 years. No matter the distance, we always knew how each other felt. Even when we didn’t speak to each other we would have dreams communicating how the other was doing. It was surreal.
This blog was started around the time we met. He encouraged me to continue blogging and traveling. If it wasn’t for him, I probably would have never traveled or fulfilled some of my dreams. I thank him for that. It’s a difficult situation to not be sad about. He would always tell me to be stronger.
One of our plans was to celebrate my birthday in Paris for Bastille Day since my birthday is on that day. I fulfilled that plan in July of this year. I’m going to continue living out the dreams we had talked about; he would be proud.
Venus in Leo
But something interesting did happen while I was in Paris. Ever since the Venus moved into Leo, back in mid July, I’ve been enamored by the beauty in things. All Venus themes have been gaining my interest. This could be due to my natal Venus in Leo; it was probably triggered. My Venus in Leo has has been dormant since 2014.
Another thing I’ve been heavily focused on is finding my career path. This makes perfect sense since my natal Venus is in my 10th house (representing career).
Anywho, I do feel scattered brain during this Mercury retrograde. It might be due to that but I’m trying to get myself organized, starting with this blog.
My future goals
1. Read more books (and finish them)
Most of the books I have been reading recently have been about astrology. I did read Glossy on the plane but didn’t manage to finish it.
2. Blog more here (I’ve abandoned this space for so long)
This blog has been up for some time now but I fell off of the bandwagon with it. My goal is to revive it in some way.
3. Expand my Etsy shops
Currently, I have my prints Etsy shop and am going to include tarot readings on it.
4. Create more art
Watercolor to be specific. I want to eventually sell watercolor prints along with my photo prints.
5. Come up with an exercise routine
It’s been a while since I exercised. I do feel guilty but I know that once I establish a routine, I’ll get back in the groove.
6. Continue improving my French
When I was in Paris, in July, I realized my French wasn’t that bad. It was a bit stale but the good thing was that no one switched to English when speaking to me. They only switched to English when I couldn’t find the correct word. Still, I managed to hold small conversations here and there.
After finishing this list, I really do feel like I’m rambling or just trying to get my thoughts down on here.