Reading Time: Alpha Block

Reading time is always fun for Maggie. She loves books filled with life and emotion so me and Elias always have to get into character before reading to her. She keeps giving us the same book over and over which can get pretty redundant after a while. The other types of books she enjoys are colorful ones such as Alpha Block.
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Striped Out

Autumn leaves! I love them and can’t get enough of them. So does Maggie. Everything about autumn is great; the weather and the clothes are to die for. The weather is currently a little off with its global warming but it is definitely appreciated. After all, global warming is another way to say the earth is cleansing itself. That’s something we should all learn from mother earth; we should shed our old skins and build new ones. That’s what being a mother is all about. We have to let go of our past preferences and focus on new ones. And…
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6 Benefits of Coconut Oil

Here are the six great reasons you should use coconut oil. It’s a versatile oil that can be used in food and on skin. 
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Highlights in My Life

Everyone has favorite things in their life. For me, there are only two things: my home and Maggie. If you didn’t know, my favorite place to be is home. And the only place to spend my day with is Maggie. My life is quite simple other than that.
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Swedish American Family Time

We had so much fun this past weekend when we went to a family event at Ikea. The day began really early, at 6:30 to be precise. We had to wake up early to get there in time for Ikea’s Swedish American Breakfast. I never had it so I was excited to try it for the first time. They served eggs, sausage, potatoes, and crepe with cranberry jam. I was so happy they had crepe; I loved crepe ever since I first tried it on Bastille Day. I wasn’t so fond of the bitter cranberry jam though.
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