La Maison Arabe

This past week was an amazing time that I would always cherish in my memory. I went on a trip to Paris and then to Marrakech and then to Meknes. It was whirlwind of events but worth every second. Let me start off by saying that Morocco has been my dream place since I was 13. It’s something about the culture that attracts me. I was lucky enough to have this dream become a reality and even luckier I will be when I go for a second time.
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The Reason Why Airlines Overbook

Imagine stepping up to the check-in counter, just to hear the agent say, “I’m sorry to inform you but I cannot assign you a seat due to there not being enough seats available; the flight is overbooked. You will have to wait until the end of the flight to determine whether you will be able to fly out today.” This is the worst case scenario imaginable! Even though this hasn’t happened to me personally, as a former check-in agent, I’ve delivered the bad news more than a couple times. And the reactions I encountered were of pure disappointment and anger. What do…
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Creating A Traveler’s Notebook

What exactly is a traveler’s notebook? It’s the original notebook in which we used to document our travels and adventures. This form of documenting has become stagnant since social media sites and the blogosphere set off. But who said we can’t bring it back right? The Midori Traveler’s Notebook focuses on just that. To document and record your experiences in a leather notebook brings back a nostalgia that has been lost. Not only that but customizing inserts and accessories, for the Midori, makes documenting all the more fun.
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Tea & Morocco

Having an annoying cold and working at the same time is a big no-no. I had to work from home, this past weekend, to prevent an office annoyance from my sniffling and sneezing. Whenever I feel under the weather, I have a list of must-haves. I definitely need my Ricola cough drops, in Honey-Herb preferably. Even if I don’t have a cough, I need the Ricola to moisturize my throat. I prefer Ricola to other brands because it doesn’t irritate my throat with a strong menthol taste. It’s the perfect blend of sweet and menthol. Second is tea. I mean…
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