Keys to Good Cooking

  It’s been a while since I posted a book review. It’s not because I haven’t come across great reads. On the contrary, I’ve come across more than enough good books to post on here. Most of my time has been spent in the kitchen baking and trying out new recipes. Yesterday we tried making pizza. Let me tell you, it was a long process and this was without making the sauce from scratch. It wasn’t the best tasting pizza but not the worst either which is why I won’t post any recipe for it. But this is what learning…
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Make your own Blueberry Spread

Making your own blueberry jam is a great alternative to buying. It may not be the cheapest, depending on the fruit, but it’s good to know what you’re putting in your jam. And you can get more creative too. Origins: The recipe below is based off of old fashioned ingredients and methods. One of the main ingredients is honey. After all, honey has been used as a preservative and sweetener since 6000 B.C.E. That’s around 8000 years.  So why not keep using it? Ancient Greece took part in canning and preservation by mixing honey with fruits and then storing in…
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Swedish Cinnamon Rolls (Kanelbullar)

Nothing sounds better than having cinnamon rolls in January. And for the Swedes, nothing goes better than cinnamon rolls, or kanelbullar, at fika time. Why, you may ask? Well, smelling the spicy pastry baking in the oven while it’s snowing outside always makes for a great winter’s day. Below is a recipe for traditional mini cinnamon rolls. Take note that these cinnamon buns are not as sweet as the regular North American cinnamon rolls. That’s how Sweden likes it.
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Moroccan Cucumber and Tomato Salad

As quick and simple as this recipe may be, it is still a staple of Moroccan cuisine. The feggous (cucumber) and tomato salad can be the basis to create different salads or can be eaten as is with bread or another dish. I decided to take this recipe from La Maison Arabe’s Moroccan Recipes book. However, I didn’t follow every step of the recipe. For instance, I did not seed the tomatoes since I felt it would make the salad juicier. This is all a matter of preference of course.  
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Instant Pumpkin Couscous

Ah couscous, the one dish that reminds me of Al Maghreb. A popular dish in North Africa, couscous consists of little balls of durum wheat semolina. It is believed to have been cooked by Berbers as early as 238 to 149 BC. Today, the popularity of couscous has made it’s way to France. Although instant couscous takes a few minutes to make, the best way to make traditional couscous is steaming it in a couscousiere. You can add different ingredients including zucchini, pumpkin, lentils, and carrots. Pair it with a tagine and a spoon of stew poured on top, you’ll…
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