French yogurt and photo prints

This isn’t even an ad. I swear! It’s just me playing with my flat lay skills and showing my love for Oui yogurt. I love the yogurt because it comes in little glass jars just like yogurts and mousse in France. It’s the closest thing I have to a French supermarket. And they’re really yummy. Another plus is that you can save the jars for later which I always do. Aside from the yogurt, we have my beautiful Olympus camera in the color brown. It has been discontinued and Olympus has recently announced that they will no longer be in…
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Oui by Yoplait

When I went to France back in March, I quickly noticed that foods were really different, starting with the packaging and ending with the taste. I had already known that the French take their food very seriously and care about where it comes from. But I had no idea that this also applied to how the food is packaged.  
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