Loss and Venus in Leo Themes

12th House Loss The nodes have been in Aries and Libra since early this year. Aries and Libra fall in my 6th and 12th house. 6th house can represent work and 12th house can represent endings, death even. And boy was it literal in both houses. I lost my job but I experienced a greater loss before that. Earlier this year, I experienced the loss of my best friend and travel buddy of 15 years. No matter the distance, we always knew how each other felt. Even when we didn’t speak to each other we would have dreams communicating how…
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Oracle and Tarot Decks

This past weekend was such a blur; it went by so quick. But it started out well. Me and a friend went to shop for tarot cards. It was her first time shopping for a deck so I tagged along. But I ended up buying two oracle decks and another tarot deck. I’m not sure if there’s an unwritten rule that you can’t have too many decks.
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