Taco Dumbo and Coffee

Spent a great afternoon seeing one of my good friends from college. She picked out a great tropical spot in the middle of NYC, Taco Dumbo. We were looking for a quick lunch and some good WiFi. She had a beer and I had a glass of cold rosé along with the tacos. We talked about life: the good, the bad, and the ugly. After we finished lounging, we set out on a mission to find a cafe for some coffee. We ended up at Maman. I really wanted to go to Urban Backyard but there’s never anywhere to sit,…
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Orange Blossom Almond Milk

I never wanted to try making almond milk more than when I discovered this recipe. I think it was the orange blossom water that intrigued me. It’s not a difficult recipe to follow and only requires two key ingredients: almonds and orange blossom water. Being that orange blossoms are not as popular as oranges, it may be tough to find at your local supermarket. You can find orange blossom water online or at a supermarket that sells international foods. The orange blossom water I used originated from Morocco.
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5 Benefits of the Chamomile Flower

The magic of the chamomile flower shouldn’t be limited to only insomnia. It is widely popular for its sedative effects because well, it works. But there’s way more to this power flower than just sleep benefits. I included insomnia, because it’s still an important issue, along with four other health problems that this flower can help with. 01. Treats Insomnia and restlessness This is the number one complication that chamomile tisanes are known for. Whether you’re suffering from insomnia or you just have a lot on your mind, chamomile is the go-to aid. Its sedative effects relax you until you…
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10 Benefits of Rooibos

Rooibos tea, also known as red tea but not to be confused with hibiscus tea, comes from the Asphalathus linearis plant in South Africa. It aids many conditions including allergies, insomnia, as well as weight loss. This is due to all of the minerals the plant has which includes iron, potassium, zinc, magnesium, manganese, calcium, and copper. Unlike other herbs, rooibos has a pleasant and mild taste. The taste is reminiscent to cinnamon which makes the tea great to drink without sugar or any other additives. And it’s caffeine-free unlike other teas. So what are you waiting for? Let’s check out the conditions Rooibos…
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Energizing Breakfast Smoothie

May is the peak month for Hay Fever. I don’t know where along the line I became susceptible to this annoying reaction but I did. Along with endless cups of chamomile and honey tisanes, I also like to keep things fresh and energizing with fruits and greens. This energizing breakfast smoothie manages to do just that. I like to use almond milk more than cow’s milk for the simple fact that almond milk is not really milk, it’s just almonds and water. During Hay Fever season, I prefer to stay away from any dairy products as dairy causes more mucus…
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