Learning another language

I am a lover of languages and that’s no secret to some. It’s imperative, for me, to know a bit of a language before traveling anywhere. This explains part of why I kept returning to France and Morocco; a big part was to maintain my French. Sure, I could have continued listening to French music and reading the books. But this doesn’t necessarily force anyone to speak a language. And there’s no better way to implant a memory than interaction with others. Before my second trip to Italy, I had bought some books to learn, at least, the basics of…
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French newspapers and books

Not being able to travel during this lockdown has made me turn to my Paris travel guides and French newspapers from France. You'd be surprised how much you
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Learn French Slang with 5 Terms

They say that you’ve become fluent in a language when you know how to speak slang. This isn’t always true since nowadays you can just google the terms or come to a site like this. However, learning slang terminology does make you seem more aware and knowledgable in regards to travel and language. Learning a new term shows that you did your homework. After all, slang terminology tends to change rather quickly. You don’t want to use slang from the 90’s in 2017 as you may be perceived as outdated. Below are five modern French slang phrases (including cuss words)…
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