Instant Pumpkin Couscous

Ah couscous, the one dish that reminds me of Al Maghreb. A popular dish in North Africa, couscous consists of little balls of durum wheat semolina. It is believed to have been cooked by Berbers as early as 238 to 149 BC. Today, the popularity of couscous has made it’s way to France. Although instant couscous takes a few minutes to make, the best way to make traditional couscous is steaming it in a couscousiere. You can add different ingredients including zucchini, pumpkin, lentils, and carrots. Pair it with a tagine and a spoon of stew poured on top, you’ll…
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Pepper Penne

The balance between work and home life hasn’t been so easy for me these past few weeks. You may have noticed in my lack of posting on the blog. It may be because of the, what seems to be a never-ending, winter. I even blogged about the negative impact winter can have on people; it’s not a good feeling. But what better way to get over this than experimenting with new foods and dishes? I call this dish Pepper Penne. I didn’t know how delicious this dish could be. When my mom made it, I couldn’t resist trying to make it myself.…
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Japanese Ramen Noodles

This recipe is for the colder months coming. Or shall I say the cold month that we’re in now? It’s a perfect delicious recipe to make for lunch and even for dinner. I already had most of the ingredients since I use them regularly; I can’t get enough of Chinese and Japanese food flavors. It’s one of my favorite cuisines and it led me to learning how to make my own lo mein and chicken teriyaki. Yum! When learning to make the dishes, you just have to keep trying until you get that right taste. I can’t rest until I…
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