Images via Urban Outfitters & Pinterest
It’s currently raining here in New York. It’s almost starting to feel like April showers cause of the frequency. But rainy days are always perfect for online shopping especially when the baby is napping. And those times are always perfect to run into something expensive that you have been missing in your life. Of course I ran into something. I ran into my long lost fridge… a Smeg fridge.
I always wanted one but at the time it was almost impossible to purchase one and no retailer I knew was selling it. But now Urban Outfitters has it in stock. Which is ah-mazing! However, they have limited colors. The fridges come in white, black, and orange. I like the last option but it’s very bold and I would prefer a pastel color unless it came in sap green. Anyways, it’s on sale for $999. Damn, I’d give my last bit of savings for one of these beauties. But priorities are a must and weighing pros and cons as well. I’ll be pondering on this for the next days to come.
P.S. peep the matching toaster ^_^