A Quick and Easy Guide to Essential Oils

Although a lot of us tend to underestimate the healing power of it, aromas are actually one of the most important aspects of healing. After all, everything we smell and breathe travels straight to our lungs and impacts it. So, if we’re inhaling something toxic, it can be detrimental to our lungs. Or, on the other hand, if we’re inhaling something soothing it can increase our dopamine and make us happy. Below are a few things to help you get started on your aromatherapy journey. Aroma Device Essential Oil Diffuser Believe it or not, an essential oil diffuser can help…
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5 Benefits of the Chamomile Flower

The magic of the chamomile flower shouldn’t be limited to only insomnia. It is widely popular for its sedative effects because well, it works. But there’s way more to this power flower than just sleep benefits. I included insomnia, because it’s still an important issue, along with four other health problems that this flower can help with. 01. Treats Insomnia and restlessness This is the number one complication that chamomile tisanes are known for. Whether you’re suffering from insomnia or you just have a lot on your mind, chamomile is the go-to aid. Its sedative effects relax you until you…
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Jardin Majorelle

Let me just say, this was such a mesmerizing garden. The first time I read about Jardin Majorelle was from the book The Beautiful Fall by Alicia Drake. The book, as well as the garden, is a must to experience the history and interests of Yves Saint Laurent, as well as Morocco.
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