Outside breakfasts

Over the weekend, we went out for some coffee and breakfast. I’ve missed getting breakfast outside. Now that things are slowly opening back up, I’m feeling a bit more comfortable with eating out or even getting take out. Back in April, I couldn’t even order take out without being paranoid the whole day. I found, and still find, it weird how others ordered take out almost every day. After the breakfast, we headed to Williamsburg for a fundraiser and then took a walk in Domino Park.
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French newspapers and books

Not being able to travel during this lockdown has made me turn to my Paris travel guides and French newspapers from France. You'd be surprised how much you
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How to energize without coffee

I really needed this article to be published. It’s not just for myself but for anyone else who heavily relies on coffee to boost their energy. Let’s face it, it’s not the healthiest option. One of the reasons is that coffee can cause dehydration. The other reason I have an issue with is the dependency that is created. I mean, have you seen my Insta? Living in a day and age where we are expected to stay wired can not only drain us but also be a detriment to our health. Coffee usually becomes our go-to drink to keep going…
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How to use a French press

Finally got my hands on one of these beauties. Now, I was contemplating a cappuccino machine but currently don’t have the space. So why not get the French Press? It’s perfect for small spaces and a quick caffeine boost. Oh and the coffee comes out delish! Though it’s best to start with whole beans and then grind them, you can definitely use ready-to-brew ground coffee. The best amount is one tablespoon for every cup of water you add. So, let’s say you want to make four cups of coffee, you would need four tablespoons of ground coffee. Now that you…
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