Simple yummy French crêpe recipe

For some reason, many people consider crêpe a foreign concept. Not because the yummy pancake has French origins but they just don’t know how to approach making crêpe in the kitchen. Maybe cause they think they need a crêpe maker or special flour. But no, making crêpe is actually really simple and you don’t need any fancy gadgets. Making crêpe is on a par with making pancakes. The batter is simple to make. Now, if you don’t want to make the batter every morning, you can make some a few days before and just save the batter in a jar.…
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Gâteau à la banane

This was a recipe that I was really contemplating about publishing on the blog. Not that it doesn’t taste good; it actually tastes magnificent. But the frosting was more of a little project for me and Magdalene. As you can see, it’s not the most perfect display but since it’s so yummy I couldn’t resist sharing it.
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Energizing Breakfast Smoothie

May is the peak month for Hay Fever. I don’t know where along the line I became susceptible to this annoying reaction but I did. Along with endless cups of chamomile and honey tisanes, I also like to keep things fresh and energizing with fruits and greens. This energizing breakfast smoothie manages to do just that. I like to use almond milk more than cow’s milk for the simple fact that almond milk is not really milk, it’s just almonds and water. During Hay Fever season, I prefer to stay away from any dairy products as dairy causes more mucus…
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Strawberry Banana and Carrot Smoothie Bowl

Winter is still here but that doesn’t mean we can’t treat ourselves to a healthy and yummy treat. This banana, strawberry, and carrot smoothie bowl was so yummy that even the kids liked it. The trick is to add more fruits than vegetables to give it a sweet taste.
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Banana Pancakes

My favorite pancakes are banana pancakes. And it’s also Maggie’s favorite too. I discovered it when I was pregnant with Maggie. It’s a simple recipe but it’s soo good. You don’t even need syrup to fully enjoy this breakfast. Hope this family favorite can be passed down to your family.
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