Marilyn Monroe & Erno Laszlo

The Erno Laszlo Institute put the spotlight on one of their famous clients, Marilyn Monroe. Many personal items of Marilyn’s lifetime were on show especially her collection of Erno Laszlo products. Her and Erno Laszlo were so close that he served as her mentor at times. He would create special creams for her specifically for her skin type. One specific cream he made for her was the scarring cream which reduced the marking of her appendix scar.
Although pictures were not allowed, I managed to sneak some in thanks to one of the beautiful ladies at Erno Laszlo. They were so kind and enthusiastic. One of them complimented the way I looked and said Marilyn Monroe would be very proud to see you wearing red lipstick like her.



 I had to take a picture of these outfits. Those checkered slacks are one of my favorite outfits of hers. She looked like an innocent child in that outfit. But I really wanted to take a picture of her gloves which were so tiny. I thought I was small but her hands looked like half of mines. Okay maybe three quarters of mines. It was adorable.
One of the things I loved of Norma Jeane was her love for reading and knowledge. It’s an inspiration because it’s not like she was brought up reading. But nevertheless she made the effort to further her knowledge in many fields such as foreign policy and science. It’s beautiful.


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