How to work from home successfully

home desk

Working from home is ideal but it’s important to know how to maintain productivity and motivation. Structure and discipline are a must but so are inspiration and individuality. Below are five tips on how to succeed in the work-from-home life.

01. Create an office space

This is number one cause you can’t have work from home if you’re working from the couch. Some people can but more often than not, it will decrease your productivity. If you have a desk to use, then kudos to you. But if you don’t, don’t fret. Find a space that can double up as your office desk. This can be your dining table, your kitchen island, or a countertop.

Fill it up with anything you may need at a moment’s notice. This may include pens, note pads, stickie notes, etc. But don’t stop there. Fill it up with things that inspire you. This can be a scented candle or that item you bought at your last trip.

02. Get dressed

This is so important. Do not get up out of bed and head straight to work. This will just make you feel unproductive and make you not want to do anything. So, get up, take a shower and get dressed as if you were heading to a real office.

03. Plan for the next day…

the night before. Set your clothes to the side so you won’t go crazy trying to find what to wear in the morning. Doing that in the morning can actually be draining. Also, ensure your workspace is ready for the morning. Check your internet connections and anything else you may need.

04. Create a morning routine

Try to have at least 5 things to do in the morning. This can be anything from doing yoga to reading a book for 15 minutes. It can be as simple as brewing your favorite coffee. Whatever gets you in a good mood, do it. This will give you something to look forward to the next morning. It’ll also create structure and set the pace for the rest of the day.

05. Schedule chores accordingly

If you need to do laundry at home or clean up a little, make sure to do it when you have downtime. I usually like to start laundry 30 min before starting work. This way, my clothes will be washing while I work and I’ll just need a couple of minutes to take them out and put them in the dryer. Just find what works for you and you’ll be able to manage.

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