5 Benefits of the Chamomile Flower

The magic of the chamomile flower shouldn’t be limited to only insomnia. It is widely popular for its sedative effects because well, it works. But there’s way more to this power flower than just sleep benefits. I included insomnia, because it’s still an important issue, along with four other health problems that this flower can help with.

01. Treats Insomnia and restlessness

This is the number one complication that chamomile tisanes are known for. Whether you’re suffering from insomnia or you just have a lot on your mind, chamomile is the go-to aid. Its sedative effects relax you until you go to sleep. However, there is much debate that the sleep effects comes from the placebo effect. Hmm, I think I prefer to believe in the flower’s power.

02. Serves as a cold remedy

Research has proven that chamomile provides medicinal benefits that can help fight colds and infections. This isn’t such a surprise to me since I have tried it as a cold remedy myself and it works wonders. And it’s great for kids too. Whenever my daughter gets a cold, I don’t opt for cough or fever suppressants. What’s the point of your immune system working if you’re just trying to suppress it? But for nights when she has a pesky cough that won’t go away, I always use chamomile. I make her a mild tisane with honey and warm milk. Not only would the cough go away, but it makes her sleep throughout the whole night. At the same time, the flower is fighting the cold internally.

03. Improves stress levels

It’s no surprise that chamomile can improve stress levels since it already has sedative effects which produce relaxation. You can use the flower in aromatherapy. I haven’t seen a lot of chamomile essential oils but you can still DIY it. Or just boil the flower and infuse your home with its gentle smell. That should do the trick.

04. Reduces eye bags and dark circles

Not only is this pretty flower a health aid but it’s also a must-have beauty product. Have dark circles or eye bags? Boil some chamomile tea bags and let them cool down. After, place them under your eyes for five minutes. The antioxidants in it will brighten the dark circles and liven your eyes up. It also helps reduce puffiness. I think I’ll start putting those tea bags to boil. Be right back.

05. Alleviates upset stomach and cramps

Chamomile is great for so many things. But next time you have an upset stomach, let this power flower help settle it.  Its anti-inflammatory properties makes sure your stomach lining isn’t going out of whack. The flower can reduce cramps since it’s great at relaxing muscles and reducing irritability.















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